Membership of Chesterfield MG Group is open to all persons over the age of 18 owning either an MG,other classic car marque or more modern sports car. Annual membership commences in February each year and costs just £20.Membership also includes immediate family members
Members receive a monthly newsletter via email or hard copy, “The Spyer Flyer”.This provides details of forthcoming events and items of interest as well as narrative on recently held events
Members are welcome at monthly club nights ad are eligible to enter all club events. Clubnights are always themed and members are encouraged to take part.
The club provides a free buffet (sandwiches and savouries) at all clubnights as a benefit of membership.
The club provides subsidies for the annual “Black Tie” dinner dance always held in October.
The Club organises two or three weekends away or longer breaks each year and members benefit from discounted hotel/ferry etc. rates through club negotiated block booking rates. Download membership form